Category: SEO

Small businesses helping to fight coronavirus

Small businesses helping to fight coronavirus – The coronavirus pandemic is turning economies and our daily lives upside down. Some larger companies that provide home entertainment, hand sanitizers, delivery services, pharmaceutical research and even toilet paper (who would’ve guessed?) are poised to take advantage. But it’s not just these large companies that are benefiting and

Your SEO has been hacked

your seo has been hacked

It is oftentimes rather easy to sometimes grow complacent as an SEO when it comes to site security, or put all of the responsibility on I.T. departments when it comes to any form of cybersecurity or hacking prevention practices. It’s a debatable topic amongst many, however, this is defiantly true: Website security, or the absence of

10 Tips for Mastering Your SEO Content in 2020

master seo content

2020 presents many new and exciting opportunities to master your seo content and reach a wider audience. While the BERT algorithm update gave a not-so-subtle nod to the importance of search intent, SEO content writers everywhere were not surprised to hear that the search engine is prioritizing audience-focused content. The issue, then, has been the over-emphasis on keyword-rich content,